the madness of futility will manifest, from dreaming,
in the minds of those who think there is Meaning...
we are just gleaning for Being..
in the minds of those who think there is Meaning...
we are just gleaning for Being..
seeing is a product of the senses
that, in this realm, operate in the limiting manner
of our species' celestial mechanics;
thus, we seek "others" that consent
to our own delusions of immersive introspection,
and when that is not forthcoming,
we are thrown into entropy and chaos.......
the secret is Stillness of Mind and hearts
with unending and limitless forgiveness and understanding.
that, in this realm, operate in the limiting manner
of our species' celestial mechanics;
thus, we seek "others" that consent
to our own delusions of immersive introspection,
and when that is not forthcoming,
we are thrown into entropy and chaos.......
the secret is Stillness of Mind and hearts
with unending and limitless forgiveness and understanding.