The health books and charts shown to children usually stress the importance of "hot meals"......and many people have been brainwashed into thinking that a "hot meal" is better or even more nutritious than a "cold meal". I have always thought that, in addition to wasting the equivalent of a couple of kilos of fossil fuels in the preparation of "hot" food, much of the nutritional value of the food is lost in the cooking process......this illogical and false attitude makes about as much sense as "don't go out in the'll get a cold...or a fever...." and other untruths.... i buy most of my food at Whole Foods....practically all from the cold and uncooked food displays.......some things are tastier hot or cold, some things must be cooked to be edible or to kill harmful bacteria; but, for the most part, raw food rules my diet... I haven't had a cold, flu, or sickness of any kind in several years.......go figure! Sushi, anyone?