Black opals remain my favorite stone.......I was told, by my grandmother, the old tale of opals being bad luck......since i am not superstitious and think people who avoid walking under ladders or passing the path of a black cat are total idiots, this only fueled my interest in the mysterious my mid-twenties i purchased, from my friend, Elaine Feig, a black opal ring from the collection of Princess Luciana Pignatelli.....shortly thereafter, sadly, the ring was stolen from a sink of a public lavatory, where i had removed the ring! {i had always been told to keep opals away from hot water} Friends said, "opals bring bad luck!".......nonsense, i was my own negligence, leaving the ring, if only for 30 was time for some dishonest monkey to pawn it, i am opalringless........this ring depicted above is a ladies platinum ring, from my lockbox....size 4....unfortunately......i'm waiting for a man's antique black opal ring that i can trade this for........but it has been like finding a "BB" on a beach of black sand........