Each of us, in intimate self-contemplation, thinks himself unique, singular, knowing and right; yet, we congregate like lemmings, who...like dragon lizards.....inflate this part or that or this thought or another....in conjunction with our not-so-particular genetic proclivities.....that we might be 'viewed', with some focus of intentions, toward our presentation...as worthy of the spotlights and microphones......scripted with the moment's words and postures..... Yet, there is little variation....for variation produces long-range Change..... impatient, we may be, but remember....it took a billion years for us to leave the primordial swamps... just to walk on our back fins, drop our gill slits and flare our nostrils, you know..... And now, we can even 'read' and 'write' and develop rudimentary logic circuits to analyze the rhetoric and constructs of other humans...... But, we are still 'naming', then 'name-calling', then locking horns, fins,...