Heuschreck naps by a tree near Dumbdrudge, dreaming of Heuschreckian sagas swelling the brain of Diogenes Teufelsdröckh. wow, that came like a pulsar wave! the more encompassing the thought, the greater it's potential for actuality, don't you think...in the first .0000000000000000000000000000000000001 second of this manifestation of energy, as electro-magnetic energy beginning in the next milliseconds of this level of existence, wherein nuclear material is produced by the physics of this universe, and the great darkness is illuminated, we can know nothing; then, the nothing aggregates into bits, then clumps and is something, until the great something crashes into nothingness, a dark, infinitesimally minute imperceptibleness in total darkness from which the entropy again emanates.....and to think that this process is but a grain of sand on an infinite beach and that the space between each grain is infinitely vast, such that all we may ever comprehend would wobble, loosely withi...