Hand-outs from a Hare Krishna

In the late 60's and early 70's,


Hare Krishnas seemed to be everywhere.......good spirited, if a bit delusional, they had many feasts at their temple on Ponce De Leon Avenue, here.......I was handed the "BOOK" in the giver's hopes that I would adopt this religion....as I had been given a photo of Mehr Baba the year before (I still have it on the shelf before me, now).......When I was told that Albert Einstein had read the book and commented that "it was all there", I was intrigued and made my way through the work..... then, The Secret Doctrine......All of what I read, of what I have heard, and of what I have seen has contributed to my personal philosophy of Life, which is still changing and developing....Yet I believe very little.....and question even that which seems obvious and "true".......who knows what IS?
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Danza D Amore by Amelia Cuni


Kitti said…
he he yes i remember well the constant chanting at festivals and on side walks , rising early after a nite of music walking barefooted to teh hare krishna tent to receive myy free food if i was willing to chant for half an hour with other like minded half awaka party people he he .. i never forget the bread was wonderful and when i asked what the secret was , they said it was krishna :) ... btw ! i managed to reach your ,myspace acct ... via a link here , you morning of early telephone calls made me laugh out loud ^^ ty for the honest and truthful observations of the human psych ... Kittibee ;)
vaporcloud said…
thank you, Kittibee......love your having used Laurie's "O, Superman"...she's one of my favorite performance artists!

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