When I was very young, my mother received a silk velvet clutch bag, sent by her older sister, from Delhi, India. The velvet was intricately embroidered with twisted gold and silver thread. I would examine the piece under my new Gilbert microscope, searching for imperfections in the handwork......There were none!....even the hand-stitching of the silk lining to the Velvet body was evenly spaced to a fraction of a millimeter......I thought of these Indian artisans as so highly developed and vastly aesthetic.....and though very little of our own American cultural heritage of relatively crude quilts, needlepoints and clumsy couture......Today, a half century later, i still take the clutch from its box and examine it's fine details with my Bausch and Lomb Binocular Microscope, fitted with Leitz optics........the clutch is even more exquisite than i had realized!